‘Education is not preparation of life;
Education is life itself.’
To commemorate World Radio Day and Vigyan Divas, a special assembly was conducted by the students of Grade 6 in the premises of Edify School, Kanakapura main road on Monday 13th February 2023
3 February is a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio broadcasts, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access to information through radio, including community radios.
It’s an occasion to draw attention to the unique value of radio, which remains the medium to reach the widest audience and is currently taking up new technological forms and devices.
The students incorporated this event with a powerful speech and a skit on World Radio Day .
National Science Day /Vigyan Divas is celebrated in India on 28 February each year to mark the discovery of the Raman effect by Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman on 28 February 1928. For his discovery, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.
Students also delivered speech in Sanskrit and Hindi on the occasion of Vigyan Divas .
A foot-tapping dance performance was presented by the students on Vigyan Divas.
The assembly concluded with the prize distribution by felicitating the student achievers!!!!